I already had the pixel buds a in white, back in January, but after a week i returned them. Let me explain why.
The reason i returned the buds back was that they didn’t stay in my ears properly, and they were falling out or feel lose after a while. Now i didn’t know back then that i was wearing them wrong, but i do now, yeah i bought a new pair couple of week ago, i will explain why later.
So, i bought them in January, i tested them for a week, and boy i was a little disappointed. For the price of 99€, a price not necessarily cheap, the buds don’t have noise canceling, no talk true, no ambient aware, and so on, but the future i was actually looking for was the ability to activate google assistant by voice. And those were the only headphones at a decent price to have this future.
I wanted this for, well, to be able to activate the assistant by voice without touching the headphones while i am on my bike. That is the only reason i bought the Pixel Buds.
Now, for me not having the desired ear shape to fit the pixel buds, or so i thought, was a bummer, and i returned them as i said after a week.
I do have to mention the fact that, because they were so lose, driving with on a bike is a no go. You can hear wind, which is so annoying for me, and they could fall out pretty easy.
But, i bought a pair again as i said a few weeks ago, why? cause i really wanted a pair, and i got the buds at a very good price, 59€ 🙂
So now, i googled a little bit about why the buds don’t fit or why they don’t stay in my ears, and it turns out i was wearing, or put them the wrong way in my ears.
Bellow i have an image with before(left) the wrong way, and after(right) the good way to put them in.

There is such a big difference in how they stay in my ears, and not only that, but they also seal a little better if you put them the right way in. You have to play a bit with the fitment and see what works for you, given every individual has different ear shape and size.
But, do i use the Pixel Buds A for when i am on my bike? Well, no, ( i have another pair of ear buds for that, will talk about in a future post) for the reason being, they do not seal that good, i can strongly hear wind and i find that annoying, even if i found a way to have them secure in my ears, and for the fact that they miss talk true future. That means for example if i go in a store i have to take the buds out of my ears, not fun.
But, sure at home in front of my PC, writing this blog post 🙂 , or listening to music, they sound OK.
Oh, and how about, how they sound. Well since i’m not an audio file, i can’t really tell you how good they are. Tho for me they sound decent in a quiet environment. I tried on the street, they don’t sound bad, but there are better options, of course at a higher price. There is also a small bug, not really a big deal but it’s there, being, if you set the base in the Pixel Buds app at a level higher then default, let’s say 3, the setting will not be saved and it will be set back to 0, every time you put the buds back in the case, tho the base slider stays at the level you set it to. You have to manually move the slider for base up or down (left or right 🙂 ) and back to the desired base level. It is a known issue on the Google forum, and, as i understood it is in the works. Even after so many months, it has not been resolved, but i guess it’s not a really high priority, soo. YEAH
Cool, that’s about it, nice ear buds but only if you can get them at a decent price like me.